jueves, 30 de abril de 2009


Otro muerto durante la paralización en SFMSFM. Un menor murió ayer por heridas de bala durante la huelga que se desarrolla en la provincia Duarte en reclamo de obras sociales, con lo cual se eleva a dos las personas fallecidas en el paro convocado por el Foro Social Alternativo el pasado martes.

La víctima, identificada como José Alberto Santos, de 17 años de edad, fue herido en el sector La Factoría de la comunidad Las Guáranas, donde anoche se escucharon detonaciones de bombas y disparos.

El vocero del Foro Social Alternativo, Fidel Santana, anunció la extensión de la protesta por 24 horas más en repudio al crimen, que ocurrió cuando los grupos populares se encontraban reunidos con funcionarios del gobierno en el ayuntamiento de este municipio tratando la posibilidad de levantar la huelga.

martes, 28 de abril de 2009


de grippe porcine aux Etats-Unis s'élève désormais à 64, a annoncé mardi le Centre de prévention et de lutte contre les maladies (CDC), dont le siège se trouve à Atlanta (sud). Lire la suite l'article
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Discussion: Mexique
Parmi ces 64 personnes, au moins cinq ont été hospitalisées, trois en Californie (ouest), et deux au Texas (sud) a déclaré Richard Besser, directeur par intérim du CDC.

Dix-sept nouveaux cas ont été recensés dans la ville de New York (est), quatre au Texas (sud) et trois en Californie (ouest). Au total, le nombre de cas confirmés s'établissait mardi à 64, dont 45 à New York, 10 en Californie, six au Texas, deux au Kansas (centre) et dans l'Ohio (nord-est).

Les autorités californiennes ont de leur côté fait état de trois autres cas et celles de l'Indiana (centre-nord) d'un cas, non confirmés par le CDC.

Les responsables du CDC disent ne pas être surpris par l'augmentation du nombre de malades. Ils considèrent, à l'instar de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, que la flambée du virus ne peut pas être endiguée. "Mais nous pensons que nous pouvons réduire l'impact de son étendue et son impact sur la santé", a expliqué Anne Schuchat, responsable du département scientifique et de santé publique du CDC.

La situation, a-t-elle reconnu, peut "empirer". Mais "nous n'avons pas toutes les réponses aujourd'hui", a-t-elle expliqué lors d'une audition parlementaire. La Maison Blanche, selon le porte-parole présidentiel Robert Gibbs, a demandé au Congrès l'octroi d'une enveloppe spéciale de 1,5 milliard de dollars (1,1 milliard d'euros) pour l'acquisition de stocks de médicaments, la surveillance des cas et la lutte contre la maladie. La situation requiert une "planification prudente", sans panique, a-t-il ajouté. AP
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lunes, 27 de abril de 2009


Mexico faces criticism over swine flu response
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Slideshow:Swine Flu Play Video Video:Ground Zero for Swine Flu ABC News Play Video Video:Swine Flu: Are We Ready? FOX News AP – People wearing protective face masks ride in a bus as it passes in front of the National Institute of … By NIKO PRICE, Associated Press Writer Niko Price, Associated Press Writer – 6 mins ago
MEXICO CITY – Two weeks after the first known swine flu death, Mexico still hasn't given medicine to the families of the dead. It hasn't determined where the outbreak began or how it spread. And while the government urges anyone who feels sick to go to hospitals, feverish people complain ambulance workers are scared to pick them up.

A portrait is emerging of a slow and confused response by Mexico to the gathering swine flu epidemic. And that could mean the world is flying blind into a global health storm.

Despite an annual budget of more than $5 billion, Mexico's health secretary said Monday that his agency hasn't had the resources to visit the families of the dead. That means doctors haven't begun treatment for the population most exposed to swine flu, and most apt to spread it.

It also means medical sleuths don't know how the victims were infected — key to understanding how the epidemic began and how it can be contained.

Foreign health officials were hesitant Monday to speak critically about Mexico's response, saying they want to wait until more details emerge before passing judgment. But already, Mexicans were questioning the government's image of a country that has the crisis under control.

"Nobody believes the government anymore," said Edgar Rocha, a 28-year-old office messenger. He said the lack of information is sowing distrust: "You haven't seen a single interview with the sick!"

The political consequences could be serious. China was heavily criticized during the outbreak of SARS for failing to release details about the disease, feeding rumors and fear. And Mexico's failed response to a catastrophic 1985 earthquake is largely credited with the demise of the party that had ruled the country since the 1920s.

"That is foremost in the minds of Mexican policymakers now," said George Grayson at the College of William & Mary in Virginia. "They're thinking, 'We don't want another '85.'"

Indeed, Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova was defensive at a news conference Monday as he was peppered with questions about why Mexico took so long to identify the outbreak, attempt to contain its spread and provide information.

"We never had this kind of epidemic in the world," he said. "This is the first time we have this kind of virus."

It remained unclear where and how the epidemic began, how it has spread, who it has killed or how fast it is growing. And the government has yet to take some basic steps critical to containing any outbreak, such as quick treatment of people who had contact with the victims.

In the town of Xonacatlan, just west of Mexico City, Antonia Cortes Borbolla told The Associated Press that nobody has given her medicine in the week since her husband succumbed to raging fever and weakened lungs that a lab has confirmed as swine flu.

No health workers have inspected her home, asked how her husband might have contracted the illness or tested the neighbors' pigs, she said.

Cordova acknowledged that her case isn't unique.

"We haven't given medicine to all of them because we still don't have enough personnel," he said.

Cordova said he couldn't provide information on the victims for reasons of confidentiality, but promised to eventually release a statistical breakdown. He said he couldn't provide that data now "because it's being processed."

Asked whether he could at least say how many of the 20 confirmed victims were men and how many were women, he said: "I don't have that information."

The government has insisted it acted quickly and decisively when presented with the evidence of a new virus.

But even as it did so, it acknowledged the outbreak began earlier than April 12, the date it had previously linked to the first case. Cordova confirmed Monday that a 4-year-old boy who was part of an outbreak in eastern Veracruz state that began in February had swine flu. He later recovered.

Residents of the town of Perote said at the time that they had a new, aggressive bug — even taking to the streets to demonstrate against the pig farm they blamed for their illness — but were told they were suffering from a typical flu. It was only after U.S. labs confirmed a swine flu outbreak that Mexican officials sent the boy's sample in for swine flu testing.

Meanwhile, some people complained that health workers were turning them away, even as officials urged people to seek treatment quickly if they felt symptoms of flu coming on.

Elias Camacho, a 31-year-old truck driver with fever, cough and body aches, was ordered out of a government ambulance Sunday because paramedics complained he might be contagious, his father-in-law told the AP. When family members took him to a hospital in a taxi, Jorge Martinez Cruz said, a doctor told him he wasn't sick.

Camacho was finally admitted to the hospital — and placed in an area marked "restricted" — after a doctor at a private clinic notified state health authorities, Martinez said.

In Mexico City, Jose Isaac Cepeda said two hospitals refused to treat his fever, diarrhea and joint pains. The first turned him away because he wasn't registered in the public health system, he said.

The second, he said, didn't let him in "because they say they're too busy."


Associated Press writers Olga Rodriguez in Xonacatlan and Peter Orsi and Lisa J. Adams in Mexico City contributed to this report.
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domingo, 26 de abril de 2009


Celebran el Día Mundial de la TierraLas actividades conmemorativas brillaron por su ausencia

SANTO DOMINGO.- Decenas de estudiantes de distinto colegios llamaron la atención de los transeúntes y conductores sobre los daños causados por la actividad humana a la tierra y al ambiente a través de cartelones.La actividad que se celebró hoy, al conmemorarse el Día Mundial de la Tierra, pretende dejar claro los daños causados por el hombre a la naturaleza en su afán desmedido de empujar el desarrollo de naciones, sin contemplar cómo están alterando estos elementos.En un documento entregado a la prensa dice que "el cambio climático es ya una realidad que nos afecta, ante el cual debemos reflexionar sobre el planeta que tenemos y el que queremos como sostén de la vida".El tema de este año es "La Generación Verde", que defiende un futuro libre de carbón, basado en energías renovables; un compromiso individual para un consumo sustentado responsable y la creación de una economía que disminuya la brecha entre pobres y ricos y que sea consecuente con el medio ambiente.La directora del Departamento de Educación Ambiental del Jardín Botánico,Virginia Leger, dijo que desde el 22 de abril de 1970 se celebra el Día Mundial de la Tierra por iniciativa de Gaylard Nelson, un norteamericano que, dolido por los desastres ecológicos y ambientales provocados por las actividades humanas, levantó su voz de protesta al mundo en la defensa del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales.
De Mayra Ogando

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Exportando cerebros
Los jóvenes que muy alegres exhiben sus “faldas”, son ingenieros industriales y diseñadores de moda, que debido a la crisis de las zonas francas en Santiago se vieron sin empleos y emigraron hacia países en los cuales sus conocimientos son utilizados por los competidores del país. Desde la izquierda Jhonny Rosado, Daniel Hernández y Arturo Ruiz, acompañados de un cuarto técnico no identificados quienes trabajan en Bangladesh en una de las más importantes empresas textileras de ese país asiático. Esta foto ellos se la enviaron a sus antiguos compañeros del Grupo M, que dirige Fernando Capellán, quien dijo es esa otra faceta de la crisis de ese sector: la exportación de cerebros.


From a distance the world looks blue and green, And the snow-capped mountains white From a distance the ocean meets the stream, And the eagle takes to flight From a distance, there is harmony, And it echoes through the land It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace, It's the voice of every man From a distance we all have enough, And no one is in need And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease, No hungry mouths to feed From a distance we are instruments Marching in a common band Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace They're the songs of every man God is watching us, God is watching us God is watching us from a distance From a distance you look like my friend, Even though we are at war From a distance I just cannot comprehend what all this fighting is for From a distance there is harmony, And it echoes through the land And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves, it's the heart of every man It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves This is the song of every man And God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance Oh, God is watching us, God is watching God is watching us from a distance